Simple Teeth Extractions - Thumbay Dental Hospital

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Simple Teeth Extractions

Simple Teeth Extractions

A tooth extraction is the removal of the tooth and is most commonly due to dental decay.


When do you need to remove a tooth?

  • Tooth fractures as a result of trauma
  • Treatment of correction of crowded teeth
  • Third molar or wisdom tooth extractions
  • Teeth that have not erupted into the mouth (Called impacted teeth)
  • Tooth and bone infection due to spread of decay within and beyond the tooth into the surrounding bone
  • Tooth extractions required due to radiotherapy or chemotherapy procedures


What is a simple teeth extraction and who all can remove the tooth?

  • A simple teeth extraction is removal of all teeth other than third molars. For example, teeth which have enough tooth structure even after decay, teeth required to be removed for treatment of crowding of teeth (Braces), teeth that are mobile and teeth where only the roots are visible and are fairly mobile.
  • All General Dentist are qualified to do or perform simple tooth extractions.
  • Third molars and wisdom teeth which is not impacted are generally removed by experienced dentist who are confidant to remove wisdom teeth or by qualified specialists in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery.
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Why is Medical History important to be disclosed to the Dentist?

  • Medicines that we take for some medical conditions can delay the healing and cause bleeding from the area where the tooth has been removed. Example: Aspirin for heart disease.
  • Presence of medical conditions can delay healing, the patient may go into fits (seizures if he has epilepsy), damage the organs of the body if he has heart disease and if proper precautions and appropriate medicines are not taken before and after the removal of the tooth.
  • Allergic reactions can take place if medical history of allergy is not shared with the doctor
  • Patients with medical conditions or on certain medications are predisposing factors for patients going into unconsciousness during the dental procedures. The dentist will have to take adequate precautions prior to initiation of the procedure in such instances.



  • A gel is applied to the gums prior to use of the injections to anaesthetize the area.
  • Local anesthesia is injected in the area of tooth removal.
  • Simple extractions instruments are used to loosen the tooth and then remove it
  • A cotton pack is placed over the area from where the tooth was removed
  • A follow up checkup is advised after 5 days from the date of the extraction


Post procedure Instructions

  • First 24 hours
    • Keep the Cotton pack or gauze pack for 1-2 hours after the procedure
    • Ice is applied over the jaw near the surgical site for the first 24 hours after the procedure, apply for 20 minutes and repeat every 20-40 minutes interval.
    • Keeping your head elevated for the first 2-3 days as it reduces the swelling and prevents bleeding down due to gravity
    • Take your medicines prescribed on time
  • Next 24 Hours
    • Warm saline rinses with ½ Tsp salt in a cup of water 8-10 times per day after the first 24-48 hours depending upon the advice of the dentist. Rinse gently as vigorous rinsing can disrupt the extraction or surgical site
    • Any oozing present from the site of the tooth extraction should be reported immediately
    • Mild swelling may be present which will usually reduce within 3-5 days.
  • Diet Intake
    • Soft and liquid diet
    • Food must be taken at room temperature
    • Take plenty of liquids
    • Ice cream could be consumed post the procedure after about 2-3 hours
  • What to Avoid
    • No Spitting is allowed for first 24 hours after the procedure
    • No straws to be used for any intake of liquid
    • Avoid any hot foods
    • Avoid Tobacco use
    • Avoid strenuous activities
  • When to consult the Dentist
    • Bleeding from the site of the procedure
    • Severe pain,with no relief from the medications
    • Raise in body temperature above normal
    • Development of any rash or itching

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